How Sweet It IsJanuary 07, 2015

Saturday would be the perfect day to go out and ride a bike. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) thought of "Ride to Cure Diabetes" to raise funds for educating the public on Type 1 diabetes. The other aim would be to research on the cure to this ailment.

It won't be hard to identify the cause of diabetes. This is a condition where there's a high amount of blood sugar. This can be found in food rich in carbohydrates, a complex form of sugar. We've been taught that we need energy (or calories) when performing a physical activity. A complex process involving the breakdown of (sugar) compound into its simplest form would take place before its utilization. Children are far from being endangered due to their hyper nature. But what if they're not active? It may be unusual, but there are cases.

Diabetes can be fatal when left untreated. The limbs get numb. You get tired and sleepy. The wounds won't heal quickly. Then the complicated symptoms follow, involving the kidney and the heart. Students may be too young to understand the implication behind these symptoms, but there are ways to avoid it. Letting them ride a bicycle on January 17, which JDRF designated as Ride to Cure Diabetes Day. Here are the other ways:

Soda is not a substitute for water. The proliferation of fast food makes soda a daily staple in our meal. There are instances when we can't avoid it, especially during this time of the year. However, studies have shown that frequent intake of soda can increase the chances of having diabetes later in life. Fruit juice is a good substitute, but it's not the lesser evil. (Think of concentrated fruit juice, squeezed after the fruit was picked off from the tree.) Nothing beats water. Discipline is required to make children get used to it, so a glass of juice (in between) won't hurt.

Don't overeat. Some people's food intake is more than what the body needs. There are cases when some are unmindful of what they eat. It can be psychological, it can also be the norm in the household. Better make a change.

Get enough sleep. Lots of sleep is good for the body. And it's not a luxury that only kids can afford. Sleeping recharges us. Lack of shut eye can affect the organs. (Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can affect short-term memory.) It also leads to weight gain. It's not hard to figure out what's next.

Always be active. Exercise would be the best way to keep oneself from getting fat. But there are many ways of being active. Walking. Not sitting for too long. Not lying for too long for hours.

Know your family's history. Diabetes can be hereditary, which means anyone can be affected. Get to know your family better.

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