What You Get During Schoolies WeekNovember 19, 2014

Schoolies Week is ongoing. Expect high school students having the time of their lives in an idyllic destination. They deserve it after thirteen years of schooling. Nothing better than to spend those relaxing moments with their mates, which may be one last time. We can expect another meeting (or a reunion) somewhere in the future, but we don't want to get ahead.

The last few years saw students getting out of control during this time of the year. This would give adults a bad impression, but think. The reports may be exaggerated. In case they're accurate, then they're only acting their age. We were young once. Either way, we trust that they won't put themselves in danger. It will be a different case if they want to spend the week out of the country. Let's hope it won't be similar to a party in Vang Vieng.

Call the week a rite of passage. It can also be the nights to remember. Some students will be thrilled to be away from parents. (If you deny it, then fine.) But there will be a police presence. (Better be safe than sorry.) No need to act guarded all the time, no need to worry if your mate takes an unflattering picture of you - and it ends up online. Just think of what you'll get from this special week. Here they are:

One week of reflection. You earn your diploma, which is the best thing to happen in a young life. But you're in a crossroad. If you're that serious, then you pass up the revelry and plan your next move. Will you enroll in the university? Will you look for a job? Will you study later? Questions that you don't want to answer right away, but you'll deal with it sooner or later. Another possible scenario will be about an out-of-country trip with your mates. You keep on telling yourself that you'll pay your parents. What if. Don't beat yourself. Seize the moment (if you can).

One week of fun. The last thing you need is to listen to your parents asking how the trip to the coast (or another country) turns out. If you have been drinking, then don't pretend. You wish they won't be calling you, as you may never know what happens during this time. Be moderate, or better yet, have a good mate to keep an eye on you. (You can return the favour.) Remember there's safey in numbers. Don't forget the police.

One week of good memories. Your high school mates means a lot to you. You don't want any other people to frolic in the beach, drink and tell stories all night. If you're in another country, then you can't ask for better company. Be respectful of other cultures. It pays to be polite. Always be safe.

Have we miss anything? It's not yet late to let us know.

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