Is Your English Literature Course Getting You Down?May 22, 2019

You're an English Literature student, spending hours each day reading books and writing your essays. You discuss the common themes in classic novels on top of providing your perspective on events that define a literary genre and the authors that popularized it. After reading another Graham Green novel, you're about to question the existence of God. You stop short when it dawns on you that you're becoming a Philosophy major student. This might be a sign that you're unhappy about the way you're handling the coursework. It may tell you that you should change courses. (If you're a second-year student, then you're about to get into a habit of beating yourself.) Is the English Literature course getting you down?

You might become pessimistic about human nature after reading the entire works of H.G. Wells. You have a change of mind after you see the sea. You might become numb and emotionless after reading too many science-fiction novels and short stories. You may not realize that science fiction is your favourite genre. If it's not (your favourite genre), then you're yearning to attend a party. You don't want to play catch up on your reading, though. You're might become that popular literary figure who is having bouts of existential crisis. It turns out that you keep on thinking of what your flatmate asks of you last week. (You're not boring!) You need a distraction while attempting to look at the bigger picture.

Studying English Literature requires dedication and a certain level of discipline. Your tutor may not approve Nick Kyrgios's recent emotional outburst on the tennis court, yet you wonder if you can get away with it (if your writing style would remind her of Jules Verne). It won't be the right time to get carried away, as you need to address your anxieties. It can be a stumbling block, which may affect your focus in the coming months.

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Find someone who can sympathize with your predicament. You can visit the counsellor, who might not be far from his (or her) office. The same figure may be too old for teenage problems, but you won't be judged at all. You must confide with your family, as you need all the support you can get. What about your mates? You may be on the same boat, so a conversation might not lead to an outcome that you're hoping for. Think of (the lack of) empathy. Think of someone who doesn't know when to stop talking (during a conversation). It might turn out to be you.

Adapt to a skeptical way of thinking. The classics feature major characters who are struggling to resolve their troubles, also minor characters that you don't want to meet in the flesh. The authors may have based it from certain individuals whom they know, but it doesn't mean that you must be wary about strangers. (Passing out would be the worst thing that can happen to you.) And you must remind yourself that you can't find more laid-back people than in Oz. This should enable you to read those weird perspectives, which may be written by a few local authors. It wouldn't turn your life upside down, but contemplating about trekking the Outback in your birthday suit may be a sign. You might want to think twice about it.

Distract yourself every now and then. You would see the signs when you're reading too much (or writing for hours). Your body can withstand stress for some time. You may get sick if you go beyond your threshold limit, if not unleash your worst side to your mates. You can watch a 30-minute sitcom, if not an hour-long TV show. An epic fantasy (like "Game of Throne") would make you forget about it. And it's a good thing.

Do You Have Mental Issues?

You could have serious issues if the English Literature course is really getting you down. Your dedication to the coursework would isolate you, and you could feel the loneliness when you're too tired from reading and writing. It would make you unhappy if you don't deal with it right away. There are student volunteers whom you can talk to. You may not know them personally, but it's not the reason for stepping back. Members of the administration and faculty know about pressure, and how it can affect students. If you don't have a clue, then don't be afraid of asking your tutor or anyone in charge of managing your hall (or flat). You may hold back, as you don't want to appear vulnerable. If you can't take your time, then choose your words. It won't be taken against you.

There are other problems, which can be traced to your lack of comprehension. You might be clueless about the genre, if not the lack of interest in the author(s). Read the assigned text at your own pace, and then make up your mind about it. Don't worry too much, as your perspective is as significant as your coursemate's. In other words, try to enjoy your few years in the university. Loving the English Literature course comes next.

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