Style of academic writingJune 26, 2012

There are marks for the proper citation in the marking of academic papers. If you make improper citations, follow the wrong format and make other mistakes in writing an academic paper that requires the MLA format, you will lose a great portion or all the marks for style. You should ensure that you get acquainted and updated of the latest developments in the changes top these citations. If for example you research over the internet, you need to enter the search terms MLA format xxxx with xxxx being the current year.

The MLA format features among others, the following:

  • One-inch margin,
  • Double-spaced text,
  • Proper labeling, and
  • Properly spaced footnotes

These four MLA requirements should remain at the mind of every student. Although the recant MS-word program such as Word 2007 have MLA and other automatic styles, you need to preview each and ensure that it conforms to the required standards before submission. You should ensure that you learn how to set the page margins in the required format before you begin the writing.

In the MLA format, at the first page top right-hand side you should write your name, your supervisor's name, class and date. You should ensure that the academic paper title is centered and that there are two lines under the date.

Your name followed by page number should be placed at the top left hand side. You should set up the automatic successive pagination in order to make work easier. The paper margins should all around the text corners be one-inch.

The MLA format requires the proper citation of the sources of ideas and other information in the "Works Cited" section. Every source should be spaced within reasonable distance from the other. All the parenthetical citations must be correct and properly cited. The sources of information and the text need to be double-spaced. You should ensure that you give the proper title of the source of citation, its author and such other necessary details.

Tags: academic papers , style of writing

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