The sight of Naomi Watts, a taste of pizza, and the perfect recipe for disasterSeptember 30, 2016

Olivia seemed disappointed after she asked me about Naomi Watts filmography. She didn't happen to read the latest news. And she was thinking of "Mulholland Dr." and "21 Grams".

"Eastern Promises" came to mind, where David Cronenberg's surreal images of the Russian criminals in London haunted me. This would be far from reality, but filmmakers like Cronenberg were looking at it differently. Did it change my perception of London? Of course not. It would still be part of my bucket list. "Ned Kelly" was the other film I had in mind, where Gregor Jordan didn't give Victoria's legendary outlaw a Hollywood treatment. (In other words, a romantic view of people who break the law.) Australian Film Commission would be one of the producing companies, so there won't be any doubts about it. Olivia might be thinking of the Academy Award when I mentioned "The Impossible," but it was the opposite. The Academy voters noticed Watts, but this was one of the films that prompted me to plan my holiday in the Far East. It might be callous of me to think that way, as the movie dramatized the tragedy that followed the earthquake (and tsunami) near the Andaman Sea.

Ao Nang was a tourist trap, and it won't seem right to ask about the tragic events. In fact, the world seemed to fall on my shoulders when I saw the sunset. I was lucky to witness the cloudless sky. It didn't matter if tourists crowded the seaside (to witness dusk). And then I was looking at the gray sky. Brian wasn't pleased with my cheesed-off pizza. I couldn't live without Pizza Hut, a remark that my housemate made fun on a number of occasions. He was a huge fan of Dominos, which happened to be the rival of Pizza Hut. And he didn't like the latter's plan of slashing its prices (in able to compete with Domino's). There was no point in arguing about it, I told him. Besides, I have a deadline to beat. And I would need my daily dose of calories. My other housemates preferred empty calories.

Why we can't get enough of disaster movies?

Sean was dumbfounded at my response to the question. A disaster movie would offer a wide range of emotions, which described the human frailty. This kind of flexibility seemed attractive to producers. My coursemate didn't believe what was I about to say next. I wasn't a huge fan of the disaster movies that defined American Cinema during the 1970s. Let's just say that I cringed after hearing the first few notes of "The Morning After." Olivia rolled her eyes when I revealed my negative opinion on "We May Never Love Like This Again". These were the theme songs of "The Poseidon Adventure" and "The Towering Inferno" respectively.

I hastened to change the subject, raising the possible issue of the most expensive petrol to be introduced to the suburbs of Sydney. And how this part of NSW could be protected by the police sniffer dogs. Both headlines didn't interest them. They rather talked about Kyle and Jackie O. Go figure.

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