4 Helpful Tips to Enjoy Studying During SummerDecember 20, 2019

Summer had arrived, which you wished had happened a few weeks ago. You have studied hard (and worked hard), so you thought that you deserve a break. You've talked to your tutor regarding what modules to enroll next term, and then something came up. You have wanted to take a course that would be a (course) elective, which should help you shorten the time to complete the program. (Your fingers are crossed that you would finish your thesis on time.) It didn't take you long to decide to study this summer. And it could be the best decision you have made so far.

You have learned that you have six weeks of intensive study. You may be too late for the intensive December study, and the intensive January study seemed too soon. You have chosen the intensive February study, which is the right one for you. (You can’t wait for the inaugural ATP Cup, which would be held simultaneously in Sydney, Perth, and Brisbane.) Furthermore, you might encounter some problems in catching up on your sleep. The sun is too bright during this time of the year, which you won't mind at all. On the other hand, a period of six weeks is too short. You can ask a Literature major student (if you're not reading the classics), yet you have learned something from the previous term. The degree program is not designed to intimidate you or anyone pursuing an undergraduate degree. The intensive study is another challenge that you must overcome. Are you ready?

Enjoy the Sun and Make Study Work

You must be honest about your study habits. You have decided to enroll in an intensive study, which is not the beginning of another adventure. You're not subjecting yourself into another form of punishment, not even be complacent about the unforeseen challenges that would arise from this kind of set-up. You only need to assess your techniques, and then figure out if it would work during a shorter period. There's a likely chance that it won't, as you must read and write right after lecture, and you might have to do it quick. You want to avoid procrastination, if not to resort to procrastinating (on many occasions), so study right away. You may not have time for other things, socialising in particular, but six weeks would go quickly when you're unaware of the time.

Incorporate an hour of exercising into your study break. The heat could cause a disruption in your routine, as the discomfort might irritate you, if not turn you into a sluggish teen. The air-conditioner may not be cold enough, so there's no other way but to keep that heart pumping. You can buy a jumping rope, if not plan your number of push-ups. Long walks in the morning would be more than enough, as this is one way of making the most of the long day. Playing online games is not a substitute, as this could veer you away from the coursework. It's better to be addictive to exercising.

Plan your study breaks. You might have long days, but it doesn't mean that you have longer breaks. You've already decided that you must read and write right after lecture, as you need to allot more time on chores and errands that can't be done the following day (or the day after next). You may be thinking of lying down in bed, if not loafing on the couch. It would be best to get out and walk. The coursework may get into you before you become aware of it, and you must be in a good mood (to study). Take advantage of the sunshine. The next tip is related to this one.

Make every minute count. This one has more to do with your assignments. Take note of your professor's schedule, and don't ever think that you're pestering him (or her), as the short time won't allow you more time to comprehend information quickly as you want. You might be thinking of discussing it with your coursemates, but read the instructions on your own. If you don't really comprehend it, which is likely to be the case, do it again. Do a quick reading, which means a book (that you would write about). You can browse related materials at night time. (If you want to fall asleep, read anything.) And make the most of your university's Facebook page (or chat group). A group meeting would be the best option, though.

Go Out, Do More

Six weeks may be a short time, prompting you to wonder if you could do other things. Summer would be the perfect time to look for a new accommodation, which doesn't mean that you must move to your new place immediately. You only need to check it out, and if you like a particular place, make another ocular visit after your intensive study.

The major cities have summer activities, Australia Day included. You would take the intensive February study, so you have no excuse for not celebrating it. On the other hand, you may be tempted to go home. Your parents would understand your decision (to study during the summer), so you can do it before the end of the month, if not after New Year. Don't ever think about work, as money should be the least of your worries during your intensive study. You're about ready for the hot season.

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