Custom Papers: Getting Started with Paper WritingOctober 04, 2019

Paper writing, as universities welcome students into their halls, is an academic requirement that university students dread the most. To help the students in their dilemma, there are guiding principles that they can adopt to improve their writing and shift to a more scholastic language:

From the long hours that they must spend in writing their essays to the tedious task of doing research for their term papers, the agony of tertiary education seems endless. With students being widely exposed to casual and conversational language, whether it’s the Internet, telly, radios or ads. they find the transition from informal to academic writing a trifle difficult. The challenge to write scholastic custom papers has become a tough mission, but it’s achievable and can be done in time.

University students must be reminded of the literary figures who have faced insurmountable odds and overcome them in the end. It may be a work of fiction, but these authors found inspiration from their surroundings. It’s that humble background, where adversity (or tragedy) is often highlighted, that would make them start right away. This is a comparison that would prompt some wiser students to realise that they may have been leading uneventful lives, but it doesn’t mean that theirs is less interesting. Paper writing is not a walk in a park, as doing it weekly (or every other day) requires more than passion in the subject matter (or the course itself). The journey would become more interesting, though.

4 Guiding Principles to Improve Writing

Use formal language. Formal language is one of the chief characteristics of academic writing, and an essential aspect in writing custom papers. Since universities require a higher level of academic writing, it is best to keep the language formal. You might cite the novels and short stories, where Literature students would spend long hours (and nights) in reading and studying it. Narration can be formal or informal depending on the author’s intention. In the case of academic writing, you are required to argue your thesis and persuade your readers with compelling information. It would be the only way to be taken seriously.

Do not use colloquialisms or clichés. As discussed in the previous section, certain words and phrases are outdated and make the custom paper sound informal, if not downright casual. Moreover, they make the document sound more like a diary or blog entry rather than a scholarly piece of work. In addition, university students should avoid the use of contractions in writing a custom paper. Most students tend to forget this cardinal rule; when it comes to academic writing, spell out everything. Use “do not” instead of “don't”, “would not” instead of “wouldn't”, “could not” instead of “couldn't” and so on. Furthermore, “ain't” is a non-standard term in scholastic writing. It is advisable to use “is not” or “are not” instead. With regard to abbreviations, state the full meaning of the term followed by its abbreviation in parenthesis, when using the said term for the first time. For instance, use United States of America (USA) when using the term for the first time and from thereon, students can use the abbreviation USA.

Use the third-person perspective writing. In the third person perspective means using the pronouns “he”, “she”, “it” and “they” and their variations in the document. It is the preferred point of view when writing custom papers, as well as business and technical reports as this style presents a more objective view of the topic. This writing approach connotes a sense of distance. It takes the focus away from the author and shifts it to the idea or concept. It would make you recall the novels you read. You can find the similarity, one of the few ones that make one distinctive from the other.

Be direct to the point and focus on the issues at hand. In custom papers, the author usually discusses issues, concepts, and ideologies. Thus it is important that the focus of the paper remains on the issues and not the author's opinion. Be direct in stating views and avoid wandering off to irrelevant issues. Make sure to state arguments that are pertinent and do not raise arguments that are immaterial. You can achieve this after reading it for a few days, if not read it and then reread it a few days afterwards. The gap would keep your mind in sharp mode.

Getting Used to Paper Writing

No matter what course university students take, at one point or another, they would have to deal with writing custom papers. Nobody is exempt from submitting this academic requirement, but these simple guidelines will definitely facilitate the shift from informal to formal language. The first attempt may be bumpy at first, but it would be natural. They only need to recall their first try in driving, also your clumsy attempt to stand on a surfboard. It would make them not try too hard, even think about it seriously. The last one is important, as they do not want to be too serious. It should make a paper less interesting to read.

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