Can You Take the FebFast?January 26, 2015

February is just around the corner. It means one thing. FebFast!

If this doesn't ring a bell, then chances are you're still hook to sugar and caffeine. Many Australians are addicted to both, and it's right to say that many are unable to break the habit. It will be unfair to scold these people for not trying. We're living in a digital world. The Internet is bombarded with images of food and drinks that are hard to resist. And let's not forget that this is the Age of Starbucks. Unless you're a character with a steely reserve, then it will be better to do this campaign with company.

This year will mark the introduction of Family FebFast, where we can do the challenge with Mum and Dad. Nothing is impossible, as many of us don't want to be embarrassed. Why not Friends FebFast? It's not a bad idea. Don't be surprised if this is thought not long ago. But there's a possibility that one (or all) of you will cheat. Don't be offended, don't be defensive either. Maybe someone (or some organisation) will work on this concept, and come up with a better one next year.

For the meantime, let's see if you can make or break in this challenge. Here we go:

Week 1. You ditch soda and caffeine for water. You can resist right away after the first sighting. But there's a thing called seven-day itch. Your throat will yearn for that familiar taste, you start to become restless until you have a drink. Eat an apple. Any fruit (for that matter). Distract yourself. (It's summer, so it won't be hard to think of something to do.)

Week 2. The Internet is not helping at all. Even the telly. (If you're a couch potato, then don't expect not to reach out for the refrigerator.) Go out and play. Backyard cricket. Surf. Swim. Better do it with your mates. (Nothing like making good memories.)

Week 3. You're struggling, and you need help. Talk about your challenge, as you need encouragement (from other people). Nothing like someone (or some people) complimenting you, which motivates you. Keep in mind that this is not a walk in a park. (In other words, there's a difficult phase to go through.) Remember that you come this far.

Week 4. What is that feeling you haven't experienced before? If it happened, then it seemed to be many moons ago. The sight of soda or caffeine doesn't make you nervous anymore. There's a feeling of assurance before opening the computer (or the telly). You pass the test.

What's next? You can eat chocolate or visit your nearest Starbucks. You're sure that you won't go back to old habits. Besides, you need to reward yourself for your effort. But there's a better way. How about a change in lifestyle? After all, too much sugar and caffeine can make you sick. It's not good. You don't want to happen it during this season. You're not the only one.

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