Under What Conditions Do You Study Well?September 11, 2017

A pool with a panorama of the Outback may be awesome, but it could be distracting for anyone who wishes to do a scholarly pursuit. The same thing applies to the beach. (Then again, it would be unusual for someone to go to Bondi to read a book.) There's no ideal condition for studying, which shouldn't be surprising at all.

Some students are night owls, enjoying the stillness and solitude (of the evening) while others like sunshine and caffeine. Some are visual learners while others are the auditory kind. And then there are those whose left side of the brain is more dominant than the right side (and vice versa). Let's not forget music, which puts some students in a mood. In other words, students can study anywhere, everywhere. It shouldn't be confused with freelancing, though. (Noise may disrupt concentration, which is needed during working hours.)

Studying has been an issue with freshmen and older students alike. As a matter of fact, some second-year (or final-year) students may not have a good advice to offer to incoming freshmen. It doesn't mean that they hardly pay attention to the coursework, but they might have many things on their mind. (In other words, they didn't take a breather and think it over.) No need to worry, as we'll look at the facts that can stimulate (or disrupt) your study habits.

5 Factors that Can Help You Focus on the Coursework

Music. Someone sang that music could bring the bourgeois and rebel together, but it would depend on the kind of music. Hollywood studios should have a say on this matter, depicting a genius listening to classical music (while they are intensely concentrated on their craft). Beethoven's score has a soothing effect, without a doubt. It might not help you to read a novel, where you must figure out the major themes. On the other hand, rock music could keep you awake for hours. It would distract you sooner or later. If you have a deadline to beat, then it may not be a good idea to listen to such tunes at all. Music or no music? It would be better to listen to one song, if not a few. After all, the brain can't recall (and comprehend) all the information that you read in a few hours or so. You need to think of other things, if not distract yourself from studying now and then. Music can help you with that.

Time. This will be an interesting topic of conversation, as some people are able to find their zone during night time (and be able to work for hours). It may apply to studying, it may not. How much information can a human brain handle? Studies have shown that it will be better to study every two or three hours and then take a long interval. And then resume studying (for two or three hours). There's some truth behind it, as there's a thing called information overload. Procrastination is not the best recourse. It doesn't matter if it's night or day, though it helps if you have a cup of coffee on your side.

Location. Some students will claim that they are able to study in their room. There might be some truth to it, as a familiar place can put you in your comfort zone. Furthermore, there are some items in the room that can motivate you. (A framed photograph of your family can be a good reminder.) Other students seek variety, and there's a greater chance that they will get better results. A group study with your course mates, for instance, can remind you of some items that you may overlook when you study on your own. Studying demands lots of focus, so you have to do it on your own. Doing it on the same spot might make your restless, losing your concentration along the way. Try another place (and it can be a public place.) Find out the level of noise that you can manage for an hour or two. Otherwise, the library might be a good alternative.

Weather. You may laugh at this one, but it's true. A sunny weather can uplift one's mood, which may (or may not) help you in studying. If you can keep your priorities straight, then you can allot two or three hours to your notes and books. Gray weather may pose more challenges, as it might put you into the blue. Work is the best therapy, as some (dedicated) employees would say. It can also put you into a creative mood. It can make you drowsy, so you must have your intake of caffeine if you need to prepare for an examination.

Habits. Most students don't know themselves well, and they might need an assistance from the Guidance Office. A series of psychological tests will determine which side of your brain is more dominant. You should observe yourself closely especially during the lecture hours. Whatever you learned about yourself would enable you to determine the conditions where you're able to study well.

Take the Following as Friendly Advice

If all else fails, then you must not hesitate to seek help. And you must not be ashamed of it. Your tutor's experience can be a life saver, if not an eye opener. (If there's a need to mend your ways, then do it as soon as possible.) The coursework poses enough challenges, so you don't need trouble at this stage.

If it's not working at all, then you might need a break. Perhaps you're expecting too much from yourself. You want to see the results immediately. It doesn't happen overnight, so it will be better to enjoy the ride. Sleep will refresh your mind, which should help you on your tasks (ahead of you).

No one is stopping you from indulging in social media, even making friends (and having fun with them). However, you should draw the line when it will affect your focus. Your mates know it as well.

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